1E7 Capital
Financing Our Future
We are a data-driven investment management company focused on using cutting edge technology and expertise to derive top returns for our shareholders. Founded by two University of California Golden Bears and Bay Area natives, the entrepreneurial spirit of the Bay runs deep at 1E7 Capital.
Our Story
Betting on Future Successes
After being a student-teacher duo focused on discovering the nuance of mathematics, we turned to business and forming a ground-breaking company that utilizes both technology and expertise to derive top returns and understand complex market trends. With the aid of a financial algorithm that has been developed over the course of five years, we can confidently bet on our success as young molders of the finance industry, all while keeping the scholarly mindset established upon first meeting one another.

Meet the Founders

Anthony Fiedler
Managing Director/Co-Founder
After graduating from UC Berkeley with a degree in applied mathematics with a concentration in econometrics, Anthony moved on to consult to top firms around the bay area and develop a unique, research-based approach to understanding markets. Now, he aims to use his years of research and expertise to guide 1E7 Capital to greatness.

Ben Drake
Associate Director/Co-Founder
Currently at UC Berkeley as a Regents' and Chancellor's Scholar (top 2% of undergraduates), Ben brings a unique mix of leadership, communication, trading knowledge, and intelligence that spurs creativity in market analysis. With this approach, his goal is to make the right calls for the right people at 1E7 Capital.